So much has happened since I last posted and I have a list of post titles that I want to write about. Some are for here and some are for the business site. Writing proper, research based posts are important to me and to make sure my recipes are perfected. Part of me wants to save my recipes and make a cookbook one day but there just isn't enough time for me to do all that.
So the last couple of months I survived a hurricane, fought (and still fighting) with insurance companies, moved, signed up for my board exam, started my own business and am in school to be a nutritional therapist. Oh don't forget that I am working as a mental health therapist still with an hour and half commute each way two times a week.
This is pretty much how my thoughts are during the day. Phew its tiring and I quickly even drew this because I can never find the perfect photo online and I'm not 100% happy with this either. Anyway I promise to update more often, even if the post isn't PERFECT!
Currently, I'm doing a detox protocol through
Biotics which I was just trained in to see and feel what the process is like before prescribing to clients. I'm on the 11th day and feel amazing. I wake up refreshed and ready to start the day. No afternoon slumps. Oh and as of day 9 I lost an inch in my waist already. Now for those of you who don't know me I eat fairly clean 80% of the time. I focus on eating nutrient dense, unprocessed foods. The detox follows what I already know but eliminates so other foods during a couple of the steps. Such as coffee, dairy, bacon, pork, fruit and sugar. I've done detox protocols before but without supplements. With the supplements, my body can properly release all the toxins so that any of the body systems (endocrine, gut, liver) don't become toxic or overly stressed. This is really important to do at least twice a year and sometimes more. I'll explain more on that in another post. But I should mention healthy guts = no illness.
Ok so now I forgot what I was writing as I just helped an older gentleman work his iPhone in Starbucks. So I will end this post for now.
Here is to unperfect posts
but with the information you need. Stay tuned for my business website but if you or anyone you know wants help with their nutrition and performance goals let me know. If they are suffering with any symptoms like
heartburn, fatigue, constipation, fluctuation of energy, colds/illness, autoimmune disease, poor, concentration, sugar cravings, digestion, allergies, bloating, slow recovery post training, joint stiffness, sleep
issues, menstruation issues, fertility, inflammation, hair
loss, etc.
I can help them address any and all of these.