One of my most needed coping skills because of my job, is to go out on Thursday nights so I can relax from my intense week of clients (I don't see clients at the agency on Friday). My Thursday night used to be a pitcher of blood orange margaritas at El Vez and an order of Nacho Mammas split between myself and my one colleague/friend. Man I miss those nights (I will indulge at some point in the future as a reward). Here are some things I like to do to help stay Paleo on those Thursday nights:
1. Check out the menu before going and make sure there is at least one option that you can make Paleo. and restaurant websites along with are helpful with this.
2. Planning! Plan ahead the days you are going to have an alcoholic beverage. This way you can decide ahead of time where you want to go and meet your adult beverage hankering. Plan nights out as an open meal if you follow that. Planning also helps with finding social venues that will meet your Paleo needs and still be entertaining.
3. Snack before going out. My item of choice is turkey jerky. Doesn't smell, keeps for a while and easily transportable.
4. Supportive friends. Those who make you feel bad or guilty for eating a certain way may not be worth it as dinner dates. You might have to re-evaluate friendships
5. Just say no to bread before it comes out. Especially until you get over the craving for it. After about a month I no longer worry about the bread basket sitting in front of me.
6. Have a dinner party or potluck. Since I love to cook, I like to plan a recipe swap night. Everyone brings enough for each person to either eat then or take home along with a recipe.
Lastly, don't beat yourself up. If you give in on an urge after all this then your body needed it for one reason or another. Tomorrow is another day!
oh, of my favorite complete crap foods ever. that crunchy/gooey/loaded-with-all-kinds-of-stuff combination of textures may just be the greatest thing ever.