Friday, December 23, 2011

Abbey’s 12 Days of Christmas WOD

Feeling insecure about my abilities I decided earlier in the week not to go to an affiliate CF. I had been reading and hearing that some CFs do a 12 days of Christmas so I did some research this week and came up with my own.  I knew I had a 20lb dumbbell at my mom’s that I bought light years ago during my swimming career. I think the WOD came out pretty well for my first time developing a CF style workout. I wish I could have included some deadlifts or box jumps but I didn’t have the equipment for those.  Originally I had 5 each single leg squat but before that round came up my right knee felt wonky so I subbed in 5 pushups – knee ones of course.  I need to definitely work on my push ups.  The double unders were attempts and grew very hard towards the end. The plank was a total of 2 minutes – I had to take a break at points as my shoulders always hurt doing them.  I tried to kick up into the handstand but decided lets have a good time and I was tired so I walked up.  My lovely mom took pictures and gave up the living room for the whole time so I could do the workout while listening to Christmas music.  Why doesn’t Rage Against the Machine have a Christmas album – faster music might have helped!  During the WOD, I could hear Sammy and Erin yelling “Just do one at a time” and “keep going”.  I kept telling myself “you got this”.  To end it all my mom and I made breakfast consisting of eggs, BACON, side salad and a white sweet potato. Oh and Coffee.  I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow but couldn’t be more proud of myself.

So here’s “Abbey’s 12 Days of Christmas”. Feel free to use and adjust the load.

Abbey’s 12 Days of Christmas

12 Air squats
11 Sit-ups
10 Double Unders (attempts)
9  Goblet squat w/ 20 lb
8 Burpees
7 steps each leg lunge
6 (3 each side) turkish get up w/ 20
5 push ups
4 block run (2 down and 2 back equals 756.8 yards)
3 each arm Single arm press 20 lb
2 min plank
1 min Handstand Hold

**Addition I started with 12 air squats then went to 12 air squats, 11 sit-ups then 12 air squats, 11 sit-ups, 10 double under attempts, and so on.  Yes I went the wrong way with it!