Friday, March 23, 2012

Paleo is not expensive

Especially if you look at the positive effects it has on your health. I have friends who definitely experience leaky gut who don't believe its due to all the processed junk and bread they eat. And what they aren't losing weight .. SHOCKER!

So this morning I was reading a blog and people had commented that they can't afford to go Paleo. I mean the thought has crossed my mind when broke to go out and buy $1 package of pasta but then it would wreak havoc on my gut and I would look bloated instantly. So instead the hoarder in me turns to her freezer which still has meat from my first cow share and other chicken and fish I buy when it's on sale.  At least I hoard meat not garbage or cats like those on that show I've heard about.

So I may not be able to tell you exactly how much I spend at the market each week because I do have a stock in my freezer and a well stocked pantry of spices, herbs, coconut oil, etc. I can tell you I went to Produce Junction today and spent $9.50 on the following:

Huge bag of sweet potatoes, 2 heads of butter lettuce, 3 cucumbers, 2 containers of baby spinach, bag of yellow onions, and huge bag of kale.

The greens will last me over a week and the onions maybe 2 weeks since I love onions.  Actually, that amount seems more than I usually spend....hmm.

Other ways to save while going Paleo.

Buy whats on sale.  I still check the ads to see if butter or eggs are on sale.  I don't always buy grassfed because I am broke but I think it works for me.  I also buy dried herbs and spices on sale along with some canned items. WholeFoods always has an item on special sale on Friday so hit that up.

Split/share items with friends. The cow share worked out really well for me.  I also have shared produce from the market when I buy in bulk and want a variety. 

Go to farmer's markets. You can buy fresh and fairly cheaply. I count Produce Junction as one of these places as the items are super fresh and last longer then when I go to a supermarket.

Roasted chicken. Ok this might not fit here but I love buying a whole roasted chicken. Normally super cheap and already cooked.  You can't make it that cheap in your own oven. Plus you save the bones to make stock!

Buy in season. This is just basic common sense. And if you really want to treat yourself and you have the extra cash then buy those strawberries in Dec.  I also freeze blueberries when they are in season so I can have them in the winter.

Grow a garden. If you can. I grow some herbs on my windowsill.  I also garden at my mom's in the summer on her porch (I miss having a real garden). I make a variety of nut and cheese free pesto at the end of summer and freeze in ice cubes to use the rest of the year.  Also, during the winter I hit up Produce Junction and buy fresh herbs that are like a $1 a bunch.

Only buy what you will use. I say this about produce; meat you can always freeze but maybe not fish. Yes the food hoarder has wasted greens before but I am getting better at not buying so much.  If I run out, I just go without until I can get to the store.

Lastly, search around online and look for cheap meals to make.  Adding or changing up spices to a dish can make a huge difference.  Also, read up on some thoughts from Robb Wolf.

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