Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year in review

And what a year it has been! I think the most influential thing this year was joining CFCC.  Like it was yesterday, I remember nervously sending an email and getting a response to come try it out.  Well that was it I was hooked.  Thank goodness for Tim who introduced me to the world of Crossfit and checked in on me about joining a couple of times before my first visit.  My first (and final) stop was at CFCC. I'm so glad I chose CFCC or perhaps they chose me.  Not only did I lose 25 lbs since I have joined (most of the weight loss happened in the Summer) but I found a family of AMAZING people. I also gained confidence, strength, power and knowledge.  Learned what a snatch and clean and jerk is.  Getting closer to body weight strength goals than ever before.

My eating habits have changed. My fondness for cooking has come back with a vengeance. Now if I could find someone to just clean up after I cook!  My family laughs at home much protein I eat. My craving for a burger or steak (and a beer) at the end of a long week has a couple of my friends teasing me for my “dude” like qualities.  BACON is back in my life.

I’m thankful for my family and friends especially my buddy Sadie. Even if her recent trips to the vet drive me bonkers, I love coming home to her. Seriously, if you aren’t a dog lover you probably don’t get it but I can’t imagine not having her.  I’m glad I rescued her from a kill shelter a couple of years ago. Cooper is also a new adopted member of the family and Gus is still the old man of the house (my mom’s house).

Work. Anyone who gets the chance to sit down over coffee and hear me talk about work knows the ups and downs. The downs are mostly the system. I love and learn from my clients everyday.  For the most part I look forward to going to work.  For those of you who don’t know this, therapist have to do a TON of paperwork. That’s the downside.  I’m doing the work I have always wanted to do and hope I am impacting others lives in a positive way even if it is small impact.

Started this here blog, which I’ve wanted to forever.  I have a list of topic ideas for 2012 that I didn’t get to in 2011.  Arg! I know I am missing a ton of things.

I finished another half marathon (with a fabulous cheering team and 2 friends who ran with me). Peter and Casey taught me how to stand up paddle board. Freaking awesome and need to save to get my own. Bought my first cow share and pork and chicken straight from a local farm. Reconnected with old friends, said goodbye to some friends, fell out of touch with others and met some new. Oh I could go into that cheesy friend quote but I won’t.  Came face-to-face with challenges and kicked them in the ass. Found a new favorite Mexican restaurant thanks to a good friend. Brunch on the weekends have been really fun; probably more fun than going out at night.  Started some new projects which I will be sharing with you all shortly. I’m sure there is more but I hate to bore whoever is reading.

So what does 2012 have in store for me?  I hope for new and exciting adventures and some challenges that will help me grow. Thank you to all those who have been a part of my life this year.  Cheers!

Sadie is getting her rest before the excitement

Friday, December 30, 2011

Finally a crockpot

or slow cooker.  Thank you to my beautiful sister Casey for my Christmas gift.  It's cooking away right now...recipe coming soon once I try it out.  I did make bone broth in it as my first time use and I think I will use it often for this so I don't have to be home for 24 hours cooking bones away.  I still will use my favorite Le Creuset pot to make chili and other items as I do like cooking away all day over the stove and nothing tastes better. I am hoping though that the slow cooker will help me during busy weeks. I have already gotten over my fear of leaving it plugged in while not home. Talk to me in person about this neurosis. I already of a bunch of recipes planned for the slow cooker which I will share with you all (if they come out good). But seriously excited to be having more broth in my life. Reading about the benefits excites me and a warm mug of broth just makes me feel instantly better. Plus it has a slightly sweet taste which I'm hoping helps as I cut more sugar and (gasp) chocolate out of my daily eating routine.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I have a need for Mexican food

Anyone who knows me really well knows I LOVE Mexican food.  I LOVE spice. And I crave Mexican pretty much all of the time. So I have been searching online for Paleo Mexican recipes.  I found a couple of good ones for inspiration and then headed off to the market with some of my own ideas. I was going to buy some flank steak but stumbled upon Round Bottom Swiss Steak which was much cheaper than flank steak.  I've never heard of this kind of steak but I thought what the heck let me try it. The tomatoes and avocados I bought weren't quite ripe yet.  Oh how I miss summer veggies!  So I grilled the tomato and passed on making the guacamole until later this week. The steak came out tasty, a little chewier than other cuts but still delicious. I didn't even miss the chips or tortilla because of all of the flavor.  I also ate a small sweet potato because I'm obsessed with them right now and am planning on enjoying them until the new year and new goals.

Recipe for Carne Asada my way
4 Round Bottom Swiss Steak (about 2 lbs)
1 large jalapeno, diced
handful of fresh cilantro
zest of one lime
sprinkle of cumin on each steak
white wine vinegar
olive oil
4 cloves of garlic chopped

I sprinkled ground cumin on 1 side of each steak, threw on the garlic, jalapeno, cilantro, zested the lime over it, splashed white wine vinegar on each steak and sprinkled olive oil. Makes for a very fragrant and fresh marinade. Marinade for an hour.

I marintated 2 of the steaks for an hour because I was starving. The other 2 sat for a total of 3 hours.  Both time frames worked but the longer it sat the more flavor of the marinade the meat absorbed. I threw the steaks on my grill pan for a couple of minutes each side as I like my meat medium, medium-rare(ish). Served it over mixed greens that had fresh squeezed lime juice and some of the grilled tomato.  Sweet potato was eaten after as an extra. I finished off my meal with some bone marrow broth.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Abbey’s 12 Days of Christmas WOD

Feeling insecure about my abilities I decided earlier in the week not to go to an affiliate CF. I had been reading and hearing that some CFs do a 12 days of Christmas so I did some research this week and came up with my own.  I knew I had a 20lb dumbbell at my mom’s that I bought light years ago during my swimming career. I think the WOD came out pretty well for my first time developing a CF style workout. I wish I could have included some deadlifts or box jumps but I didn’t have the equipment for those.  Originally I had 5 each single leg squat but before that round came up my right knee felt wonky so I subbed in 5 pushups – knee ones of course.  I need to definitely work on my push ups.  The double unders were attempts and grew very hard towards the end. The plank was a total of 2 minutes – I had to take a break at points as my shoulders always hurt doing them.  I tried to kick up into the handstand but decided lets have a good time and I was tired so I walked up.  My lovely mom took pictures and gave up the living room for the whole time so I could do the workout while listening to Christmas music.  Why doesn’t Rage Against the Machine have a Christmas album – faster music might have helped!  During the WOD, I could hear Sammy and Erin yelling “Just do one at a time” and “keep going”.  I kept telling myself “you got this”.  To end it all my mom and I made breakfast consisting of eggs, BACON, side salad and a white sweet potato. Oh and Coffee.  I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow but couldn’t be more proud of myself.

So here’s “Abbey’s 12 Days of Christmas”. Feel free to use and adjust the load.

Abbey’s 12 Days of Christmas

12 Air squats
11 Sit-ups
10 Double Unders (attempts)
9  Goblet squat w/ 20 lb
8 Burpees
7 steps each leg lunge
6 (3 each side) turkish get up w/ 20
5 push ups
4 block run (2 down and 2 back equals 756.8 yards)
3 each arm Single arm press 20 lb
2 min plank
1 min Handstand Hold

**Addition I started with 12 air squats then went to 12 air squats, 11 sit-ups then 12 air squats, 11 sit-ups, 10 double under attempts, and so on.  Yes I went the wrong way with it!

Monday, December 19, 2011

I simply remember my favorite things

Not only is it one of my favorite songs but thinking of some of my favorite things really brightens my day.  What are some of your favorite things?

Pictures from when I was a kid with my sister

Puppy Love

Cooking or reading cookbooks 
(when I have tv and cable watching cooking shows)

Fond memories of my pop-pop

Baking pop-pop’s bread (I’m the only one with the recipe!)

Wrapping presents and making crafty wrapping ideas
(and giving gifts esp to my mom)

Crossfit Center City folks

Fat cat

Flowers – Gladiolas are one of my favorites

An empty beach

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm Baaaack!!

So I'm back to the blog after weeks away due to very little time in my schedule.  I’ve made lists of topics and recipes that I want to post.  Olympic lifting is over.  Bittersweet.  I'll be back for more in the future. Need some time to regroup and get other projects settled (which you will be hearing about soon).

I’m happy with my progress.  Body composition I think has stayed the same but some wonderful people have been telling me that they see positive changes.  We will see once I measure and weigh in.  I will admit sometimes I catch myself noticing the change in my biceps. Makes for a happy abbey.

My technique has improved but still has more to go.  17 lb PR on the Snatch.  9 lb on the Clean and Jerk.  Yes I still talk most of the time in pounds but that will be changing too.  Let’s not even talk about my squatting ability.

Frustration was a word that was thrown around and I was asked about.  I don’t think frustration is the word for me. Unless it was about waiting for the train or the train being late.  I was already getting home late enough as is.  Or I was frustrated figuring out the math when using lbs and kilos. Whatever the feeling was it was more drive for me.  I wanted to keep going or stay later.

So where do I go from here?  My plan is to go back to WODs and train Oly once on the weekend.  I don’t want to lose what I have accomplished in these 6 weeks.  I’m nervous for my first WOD back as I feel my lungs might hate me. But I’ll do it with a smile and go back the next day for some more.  Originally, I thought I wanted to focus on getting a body weight pull-up after Oly.  Now I’m thinking I really need to get a better front and back squat along with overhead squat.  Not sure if I can or should focus on the pull-ups and the squats at the same time or just focus on the one.  I of course will consult the coaches on how and what to do.

So I am back to writing on the blog, working on new projects, still loving my clients at the agency (still not loving the system though), and excited to start a new phase of training.

Sending out much love to all of those who read my little blog!!