Thursday, January 12, 2012


So I started following Whole30 and working with Erin on another BCCC (did I add all the Cs).  Pretty much I need to keep doing what I have been doing. Maybe add more protein daily.  I've been bringing extra to work each day in case I get hungry. Once I'm done with the sweet potatoes and yams I bought, I'm calling it quits for a bit.  Need to run this idea by Erin. I think they are a crutch for my sweetness craving and I end up eating more than one sometimes. My willpower isn't good when it comes to them after a long day! 

Speaking of willpower, yesterday I attempted and did push the limits on this one. I fasted all day only taking in some bone marrow broth during the day - about 6 cups total.  Then I went to endurance class. I mixed in some BCAA's to my water for before and during the class.  Rowing was 10 of 30 sec on and 2 min rest. Damper setting between 7-8.  I'm not a sprinter by nature so by the time 15 sec was up I had my pace then it was time to stop. I could have actually done 10 more of these when we were through.  Sadly, didn't get to push the truck but there will be other opportunities and its not like I haven't out of the snow.

Back to willpower.  I made it through seeing other eat some delicious looking yet unhealthy creamy pasta dishes, brownies and chocolate. Walked by the new vending machine with a snickers staring at me about 20 times. And saw many food porn images being posted on facebook.  I stuck to my guns and didn't cave.  My theory is to test my willpower so I can strengthen it just like muscles.

After class and arriving home, I made fajitas really quick.  In total last night I ate 1 chicken breast, 1/2 pepper and onion, jalapeno with 1 tomato, half avocado and cilantro salad, and a small sweet potato with nutmeg on it.  I snacked on a 1/4 cup of pecans.  Normally, I don't snack or eat nuts anymore but I had that darn sweet tooth.

The last point I wanted to make in this post is my struggle with focus.  I'm certainly struggling at work.  Like right now I came in the office to write notes and I'm blogging instead.  I have so much paperwork to get done but I find myself staring at the computer and time just zooms by.  Or my head is filled with a thousand thoughts.  Last challenge I did, I had the same struggle but then amazing mental clarity began.  I'm hoping and praying this starts soon because I need to get this paperwork done and want to focus more on blogging and other projects. Anyone else having or have had this same issue?

Oh side note, I'm really digging this song


  1. Hi Abbey :) I miss you and I love this blog cause I feel like we're still in touch even though we don't get to talk often (or go for tacos, darnit! though with the new dietary restrictions i guess we wouldn't anyway, hm...). Anyhow, just wanted to send a little love & encouragement your way and let you know I am thinking of you. ~Jess

  2. Thanks Jess! Not to worry if you came to town I would go get those tacos. Or when I come out to you that place you and Steve took me for fish tacos. I still am trying to find a place that makes them as good. I always give myself free days to eat things that aren't on my new food plan.
